The water source

Earlier this month, iitoya had visited Bapak Ali Sugiyatno at dusun Bibis, Poncosari, Srandakan, Bantul. On behalf of Tirtasari water treatment community, he asked for advise on their current water treatment system, which lately gave unsatisfactory result. Even though the water is filtered, it still has a hint of turbidity with light, disturbing odor.

The water treatment system consists of three huge reservoirs sized 2.5 m x 2.5 m x 2 m each, which is able to supply for 50 families. The first reservoir is used for containing the water pumped from well nearby. The ground water is abundant, however it is muddy and smelly so the villagers cannot use it.

The government provides the aid to build the three reservoirs and its circulation system to be managed later by the villagers through Tirtasari water treatment community. The reservoirs are filled with mixture of sand, which is taken from nearby river, and homemade charcoal made of coconut shell. They adopted slow-sand filtration technique, which filtration mimics the earth’s natural water filtration by slowly seeping through the earth crust. The pumped water passes through the two reservoirs and the filtration result goes to the top reservoir prior distribution.

Water treatment system
Final water reservoir prior distribution
Basic water measurement

We measured the basic water property and get TDS of 248 ppm, in which 500 ppm is the maximum threshold for drinking water, according to PERMENKES No. 492, 2010. The potential Hydrogen, pH, of the water is 7.3, which is normal and within safe range of 6.5-8. The Fe content closes to 0 ppm with indication of hard water. Hard water is water containing high amounts of mineral ions. The most common ions found in hard water are the metal cations calcium (Ca2+) and magnesium (Mg2+), though iron, aluminum, and manganese may also be found in certain areas.

To improve the quality of current water treatment system, iitoya suggests to add iitoya series-X after the last compartment targeting to get clear water with no odor, which further can be used for sanitation purposes. This water is distributed to each house. For further household use, iitoya suggests to use combination of ITO-CAL to soften the water and ITO-02 for consumption use. By doing so, the villagers do not need to buy water anymore. Buying water means slowly depleting groundwater from other area where the water was taken. Our water needs may be fulfilled for the time being, but massive water exploitation leads to water scarcity, and that will be worsen by time. Let us utilize our own ground water, plant trees, make infiltration wells, keep our environment clean, and all small stuffs that contributes on rejuvenating our ground water, both its quantity and quality.