Innovator Innovation Indonesia Expo, I3E, is an annual event held by the Ministry of Reseach, Technology and Higher Education. The expo is expected to bridging people and innovation in a business environment to boost economical growth.

“We have been supporting technology-based start-ups since 2015. Those start-ups are coming from different backgrounds such as universities, research centers, industries, and societies” said Mohammad Nasir, the minister of Research, Technology, and Higher Education. He added further that aside of boosting economy based on technology improvement, this event also brings technology closer to society and introduces Indonesian products that’s made using our own technology.

Since the program began in 2015, the Ministry note that there were 1,307 startups collaborating with the Ministry of Research and Technology, consisting of 749 PPBT, 558 CPPBT, and 15 Industrial Innovations. Over the past five years, Kemenristekdikti has partnered startups all over Indonesia to be funded, assisted, and evaluated for progress to support the addition of unicorns in Indonesia. “There are plenty of research results that has potential for industrialization but stay still at university library due to many things, capital for example. We want to extend those results to Indonesian people by providing products that are based on science, technology, and innovation”, said the Minister of Research and Technology in his opening remarks at the Hall B JCC Senayan, Thursday (3/10).

I3E this year themed “Technology and Innovation Industry Startups to Raise Nation’s Competitiveness” features 404 products from Aceh to Merauke. The exhibition is held from 3 to 6 October 2019, which also covers Business and Technology Seminar, Talkshows, Business coaching, Idea and Innovation Technology Competition, and Speed dating to facilitate meeting of investors and startups for further collaboration.

IITOYA booth is placed at Health & Drug section, bringing along demonstration set of ITO-02 for humic acid. We will presents IITOYA again at Grha Sabha Pramana, Yogyakarta, on October 16-18, 2019. See you there ^^